Owning a business is a time-consuming pursuit; many entrepreneurs credit their success to education but struggle to find the time to continue learning while also managing their business. In a recent article for Entrepreneur, Scott Langdon offers some tips for business owners who want to pursue further education.

  1. Let someone else handle some of your responsibilities—Pass some things off in order to open up more time for your education.
  2. Offer a personal education day—This gives you and your employees the opportunity to pursue some continued education.
  3. Try just one class—Though this is a step-down from even part-time schooling, it is important for you to be able to find a balance between work and school.
  4. Create a schedule—This means mapping out your business life, personal life, and free time; developing a full picture will allow you to determine how much, if any, schooling you have time to take on.
  5. Make sure you have support—This will help keep you from becoming overwhelmed.
  6. Don’t discount your everyday learning—Formal education is not the only pathway to learning; owning your own business will teach you plenty—and give you a foot up if and when you do return to school!

For more details, see the article in its entirety at Entrepreneur.